Saturday, October 29, 2011


We left off with a minor passive solar project outlined, a 1000 square foot bungalow winterized and solarised in Columbus, Ohio. Calculations for a clear day in January suggested that about two/thirds of the heating load for the day would be provided  by passive solar. The additional  investment to achieve this result would be minimal. A contrary example, with the same footprint, but wrongly oriented glass of equal area, performed poorly in comparison.

We did make a few assumptions; firstly, the house has good solar exposure in winter. This is non-negotiable, clearly. The second assumption is that the house has a long wall facing south, i.e. the long axis of the house is more or less on an east-west line. This is much more negotiable. Even an orientation 30 degrees away from the ideal or a different plan shape is still workable.

We made  a third assumption of a ground floor slab-on-grade with 3 inches of under-slab foam insulation. This is unlikely to be the case. More often, the average house in a cool climate will have a basement with an uninsulated slab that gets almost no sun, and with a joist and strand-board and carpeted main floor over. The foundation walls  are masonry or concrete, but  probably insulated on the inside. All this mass in the basement is useless for heat storage.

The available thermal mass of the house will be much smaller, roughly 60 cubic feet of the gypsum core of the drywall on the ground floor being the only significant component with a heat capacity per cubic foot close to that of concrete, but somewhat insulated by the thick paper facing. We'll use this more typical bungalow with basement as our example as we proceed with our investigation.

We hinted in the first part of this article that an economical and elegant means could be found to achieve the effect of thermal mass without attempting to retrofit the house with an impractically bulky and massive thirty-six ton Trombe wall.

John Michael Greer, in his post Alternatives to Absurdity characterized the passive solar techniques of the 70's - including thermosiphon air panels, Trombe walls, and attached greenhouses, as baby steps towards learning to live comfortably on nature's diffuse energy flows. I'd like to suggest an order of magnitude improvement to the design problem of heat storage in a passive solar house, an idea of tremendous potential that was indeed researched, patented, but with the subsequent cheap oil and good times starting in the 80's, was never commercialized, and remains largely overlooked. A curious fact, that such an energy-saving invention was buried.